Deece Genny
Album artwork
Motion graphics
Screen Shake is a bold artistic statement that probes the digital age's impact on the human spirit. It encapsulates the myriad emotions tied to navigating a world dominated by screens. Deece Genny presents an album that captures the essence of grappling with screens, a poignant exploration of the dichotomy between the tangible and the virtual.
In crafting the album artwork for Deece Genny, I aimed to capture the pervasive influence of digital media on contemporary society. Illustrating the encroachment of screens into our lives, the artwork features multiple eyes trapped within the confines of a digital screen. This visual metaphor underscores the collective immersion of individuals in the digital realm, emphasizing the overpowering influence of screens on human existence. The diverse range of colors employed symbolizes the multifaceted nature of the band's music and the eclectic diversity within our engagement with the album.